Monday, January 2, 2012


It's been a while since I've posted anything.....the holidays will do that to you!

I hope everyone had a wonderful, happy and blessed holiday with loved ones!  We were so lucky to have not only the GG, Paw Paw & Gram Gram in town, but also, Grandpa John and Laurie came down as well!!  Kemp LOVED Christmas and got LOTS of goodies!  One of the highlights Christmas morning for me was when Kemper discovered the drum sticks he's been asking Santa for!  I know he was pleased that all the encounters w/ the creepy bearded guy paid off!;)
Unfortunately, I caught a virus over the holidays and spent most of it either in bed or face first in the porcelain throne!  I will say, I was super lucky to have everyone in town or off work b/c Kemp got plenty of attention that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise.  My mom was a life saver after everyone left and Kody went back to work....I thought I was on the mend until, I wasn't.  Kemper went to play with "namma" for two days, one of which I ended up getting IV fluids and a zofran cocktail!  Im feeling much better and SOOOOO happy Kemper or Kody haven't caught nastiness!
My brother, Bubba and his boyfriend came in town and will be here until the 9th.  We spent New Years eve with them drinking champagne and playing Monopoly!  It was a great way to ring in the new year.....and I won the game so that made me extra happy;)
Extra Special News:  Our dear friends, Dave and Heather Webster had their little boy, Liam on New Years Day!!!  We are so excited for them b/c we know first hand the joys of boys AND b/c we are and aunt and uncle again!!:)
Tomorrow Kemper is attending his 1st Mizzou basketball game and I can't wait to see how he does!  It might be the deal sealer for season tickets next year!!  I will keep you posted on how he does!
                                             Christmas Eve night 2011
                                      Kemper still sleepy faced but so happy to see new drum sticks!!
                                                       Kemper playing with his new farm
                                                        Daddy scored with the soccer goals!
                        "NuNu"(what kemp calls my grandma) did a great job picking out the piano book!
 Kemper Christmas Day with two of his beautiful grandmas!(btw, don't you just love that shirt!  It was a must buy when I saw it one the clearance at Gymboree;)

Grandpa John and Aunt Laurie Christmas Day.

Cheers to a blessed 2012!

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