Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A BIG day

Today was an extra fun day for our little guy....

The day started out meeting Kody at Best Buy so he could get his Christmas gift installed- remote start:)  He's VERY happy with my choice present!  Kemper thought the install room of BB looked like a car dealership(i guess) b/c he wanted to get in peoples vehicles. haha  We only had one meltdown but he got it together(nothing a sucker can't cure)!
After we dropped Kody back off at work we went to the mall so I could drop off a travel seat to a friend.  As I was chatting with her a big train goes by with people on it!(Yes, a train in the mall)  Apparently, they started this new wallet tapping attraction today.  I used to by able to get outta there only spending about $2 on "rides", I dropped $6(+$.75 on a fire truck ride)!!!  Lawd have mercy, folks won't have any $ to shop if they keep bringing things like this in;)  That being said, I do have to admit that train ride was worth all six of those dollars seeing Kempers face light up with every whistle blow and wave from strangers(you all know he's a ham)!
After the train ride we went to a few other stores one of which being Victoria's Secret.  They are having a sale you know & their "intimates" are NOT cheap regularly;)  Anyhow, Kemp is a trooper and while waiting for a fitting room he glanced up at the wall in front of where we were standing and said "dress up"!  The funny part about that is the picture he was looking at was 3 VS models from floor to ceiling in bras, panties and stocking caps!  I had to laugh and so did the guy waiting for his lady a few feet away from us.  I just said, "yes, honey, they are very dressed up!".   His response to that very same photo I'm sure will change dramatically in the next 13yrs;)  We left the mall he was happy.

This evening.....
This evening we went to Kemps 1st MU basketball game!  Poppy B, Namma, uncle Brian, Jimmy, Kody and myself all got to be there for it!  Kemper had a ball.  He did really well and we only had one casualty- a huge diet coke!  A stack of napkins later we were as good as new.  He danced to the music, he called a college aged kid behind us a snowman b/c he had on a stocking cap, he played his video games, watched the game, ate candys, popcorn, and nachos and took a walk w/ Poppy B!  It was a really great time for all of us:)  Kemper also mentioned a few times he wanted to "try try" to shoot hoops with the ball players.....that would make his daddy so proud if he does that one day<3

On the way home we stopped at the "Magic Tree" in a shopping area near our house.  I wanted him to see it up close and take his photo in front of it before they took the lights off- its very cool!  Here's a some photos:


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